2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Cassie Schermbeck, DCE: Developing Empathy— Feeling With

Cassie Schermbeck, DCE shares how to be good friends and have compassion with whom we disagree.

2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Rev. Johnathan Ruehs: College is the Kairos of your life!

Rev. Johnathan Ruehs discusses how to deepen faith during the impact of college life.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals – Youth Gathering Resource: Rev. Michael Salemink and Life Issues

Mark and Julianna talk with Rev. Michael Salemink about how young people can be drawn into important discussions around the sanctity of life.

2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Tia Pugh: A Story Worth Telling

Tia Pugh helps youth look differently at the story God has been writing in their lives.

2019 LCMS Youth Gathering Sessions — Tia Pugh: Passing on Faith that Dwells

Tia Pugh discusses youth ministry intentionally connects parents and students in faith-filled conversations and actions.