How are students formed for church work vocations at Christ College at Concordia University Irvine? Rev. Dr. David Loy, Christ College Dean, and Carrie Donohoe, Program Coordinator at Christ College, join us!
The Coffee Hour – Relationships Matter: Research on the Millennial Generation
Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE, and Rev. Mark Kiessling from LCMS Youth Ministry.
The Student Union – Giving Thanks for the Lutheran Young Adult Corps
With guest Julianna Shults, program manager for the Lutheran Young Adult Corps
The Coffee Hour – Reaching and Encouraging Young Adults
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE— program manager for Lutheran Young Adult Corps, Rev. Mark Kiessling— Director of Youth Ministry, and Ryan Curnutt— Senior Research Analyst.
The Coffee Hour – The Most Important Thing to Plan For in College
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Marcus Zill, The Chancellor of LCMSU and Director of Campus Ministry for the LCMS Office of National Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Millennials, Church, and Binders Too Thick for TSA
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE (Lutheran YA Corps), Rev. Mark Kiessling (Youth Ministry), and Ryan Curnutt (Research Analyst) from the LCMS Office of National Mission and Research Services.
Faith & Family – LSS Youth Volunteers are Making a Difference
With Annmarie Wallis and Kristy Bull from LSS, and Debbie Workman, Leslie Payne, Amy Barnett, youth from K.A.R.E. Camp, and Puja Mehta
Faith & Family – Young Adults in the LCMS
With Rev. Mark Kiessling, Julianna Shults, and Ryan Curnutt
Faith’n’Family – Young Adults in the LCMS; Influence of Language on Worldview
With guests Rev. Mark Kiessling, Julianna Shults, Ryan Curnutt, Jonathan Graham.