{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: A Glimpse into History with Mrs. Kretzschmar

This episode is a glimpse into KFUO Radio’s rich history with an interview with Mrs. Kretzschmar, wife of KFUO founder Dr. Richard Kretzschmar.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Ode to Lutheran Sushi

Take a dill pickle. Wrap it up in lunch meat and cream cheese. Slice it into bite-sized nuggets. What do you get? Dill pickle roll-ups — AKA Lutheran Sushi! 

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Women’s Health & Roe v Wade with Dr. Donna Harrison

The Ladies welcome Donna Harrison, MD, to the Lounge for a heartfelt, hard-hitting conversation about abortion and women’s health.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Shout Out to the Aunties!

In this Wild Card episode, Bri celebrates the unique and God-given vocation of aunt.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Upcycling Thrivent “Live Generously” T-shirts

Bri loves and celebrates (to bits and pieces, in some cases) the Lutheran cultural phenomenon that is the Thrivent “Live Generously” T-shirt.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Head Coverings in the History of Womanhood

In this wildest of Wild Card episodes, Rachel delves deeply into the history and meaning of veiling.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Easter Egg Traditions Around the Globe

How do Easter egg traditions enrich our celebrations of Christ’s resurrection?

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: Complicated Relationship Between Lutherans and Alcohol

The Ladies have an honest and hard-hitting Wild Card conversation on alcohol and Lutheran churches.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} EPISODE 100! Homage to the Ladies Lounge.

Join us this week in the Ladies’ Lounge for an all-hands-on-deck 100th Episode Extravaganza!