Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) All about angels. (3) Caller: Gabriel not mentioned as archangel but Michael is.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Poll on how many people believe in angels and exorcisms. (3) Can a Christian be possessed?

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) What is a periphrastic aorist (joke). (3) 1920 guidelines for women teachers. (4) Advice about Jehovah Witnesses. (5) Old geezer on social media.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Reasons for decline in church attendance. (3) Romans 10:8

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Dr. Bierman and ordination sermon. (3) Caller: How do you know that the canon of the Bible is correct.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Did pope change position on homosexuality? (3) How the mainstream press exaggerated facts.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Outline of the Two Kingdoms in a Law and Gospel chart.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Difference between theism and Christianity. (3) What Christians are facing today.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) LCMS Youth event in Texas. (3) Practical hints for doing Vacation Bible School.

Law and Gospel

Topics of Discussion: (1) Ruminations with Wes Reimnitz. (2) Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. (3) Orders of creation. (4) Caller: True love is commitment rather than feeling.