The burden of proof is on the millennialist to show that Revelation 20’s thousand years are literal—according to the church’s historic hermeneutical principles.
Cross Defense — Gog and Magog: War in Israel, Russia, and End Times Prophecy
Israel is at war with Hamas. It’s got a lot of people talking about end times prophecy and worried about what will happen next. Will Russia attack Israel? Is Russia Ezekiel’s Gog and Magog?
Cross Defense — Apologetics for the Nones!
Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz teaches a primer on how to do apologetics for those who have no religious affiliation.
Cross Defense — Pampering Our Women and Addressing a Nonsensical Denial of St. Paul
Pastor Bramwell answers listener questions From the Inbox.
Cross Defense — Who Sows Division, the Orthodox or the Heterodox?
Is it the faithful pastor and/or layman who sows division when he addresses the false teachings of false teachers?
Cross Defense — Female Pastors are A Satanic Lie
The church down the street claims that the Bible is trustworthy and the final authority for faith and conduct, so why do they have women pastors?
Cross Defense — Amillennialism: Ten Points to Consider when Studying Revelation 20
The burden of proof is on the millennialist to show that Revelation 20’s thousand years are literal—according to the church’s historic hermeneutical principles.
Cross Defense — Was Luther Racist and will the Israelite People be Restored to God at the End of Time?
Two Lutherans asked a couple questions about the Jews.
Cross Defense — A Felony to Speak the Truth
Rev. Christopher Thoma talks about Michigan’s hate crime bill that could make speaking the truth in love a felony.
Cross Defense — ChatGPT Affirms Transgenderism with Fake Bible Verse
We now live in a world of personalized false prophecy.