Thy Strong Word – Ephesians 1: Spiritual Blessings in Christ

Ephesians 1: Spiritual Blessings in Christ with guest Rev. Brian Davies from Lord of Glory Lutheran Church in Grayslake, Illinois.

Thy Strong Word – 2 Thessalonians 1: The Judgment at Christ’s Coming

2 Thessalonians 1: The Judgment at Christ’s Coming with guest Rev. Ken Wagener from Trinity Lutheran Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Law and Gospel — Rumination Thursday

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding the readings for Thanksgiving Day with guest Wes Reimnitz.

Sharper Iron: Proclaim Christ to the World

Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt looks at Philippians 1:1-20.

Sharper Iron: Predestined for Adoption

Rev. Jacob Heine looks at Ephesians 1:1-23.

Law and Gospel — Encore Thanksgiving Rumination

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel with guest Wes Reimnitz.

His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, Historically Speaking, “Jesus Before Pilate”

(1) Annmarie Wallis and Wes Ogilvie talk about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Concordia Historical Institute presents Historically Speaking, and (3) Rev. Gary Lampe looks at Matthew 27:11-32 and gives today’s sermonette.

His Time – International Student Ministry Thanksgiving Feast, Creation Club, “Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection”

(1) Sharon Riordan talks about the International Student Ministry Thanksgiving Feast and what Friendship Families are, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth talks on Creation Club, and (3) Rev. David Mueller looks at Matthew 22:23-46 and gives today’s sermonette.