Faith’n’Family – Dr. Reed Lessing’s Perspective on the Life of Job

Dr. Reed Lessing discusses suffering, family and the life of Job in light of his upcoming Pre-Lenten Workshop at Concordia Seminary.

Cross Defense – The Apologetic of Pain & Suffering to Psalms of Lament

Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Schulz and host Rev. Rod Zwonitzer talk about the need for an understanding of the emotional aspect of human beings and its role in pain and suffering.

Cross Defense – The Apologetic of the Problem of Suffering & Evil

Today we look at Psalm 22; Biblical Mandate for Apologetics as from a Suffering Context; the existential dimension to apologetics of suffering; why the laments in Scripture are so useful in this area; and the tincture of God’s love and grace in Christ.

Law and Gospel – 9th Sunday after Pentecost, Job’s Suffering

(1) Don’t call them the 10 commandments (Exodus 20). (2) Caller: About the Latin Vulgate. (3) Caller: Freedom because of the cross. (4) Caller: Just live by faith. (5) Caller: Knowledge of sin. (6) Caller: Galatians 6:2.

Faith’n’Family – June/July 2014 Lutheran Witness Preview

June/July 2014 Lutheran Witness Preview Audio File Adriane Heins, Managing Editor of the Lutheran Witness discusses the June/July issue and the topic of persecution.   Contributors Rev. Randy Golter and Deaconess Elizabeth Ahlman also discuss the topic of the persecution…

His Time – John the Steadfast, Christian Bioethics, Suffering Christians

(1) Rev. Joshua Scheer talks about the Brotherhood of John the Steadfast. — Dr. Bob Weise talks about Christian Bioethics. — Rev. Steven Theiss looks at 1 Peter 4:1-19. — Rev. Keith Weise gives today’s sermonette.