Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary begin a series of Easter hymn stories. This week they talk about the American preacher, Robert Lowry, who became a popular writer of gospel music in the mid- to late-19th century. His best-known hymns include “Shall We Gather at the River”, “Christ Arose!”, “How Can I Keep from Singing?” and “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus”
A Moment for the Family: Pandemic Parent-Guilt
In our discussion this week with Gary and Mary have a conversation about another pandemic. Is there also a pandemic of parent-guilt over this past year?
A Moment in Creation: Quasimodo Geniti
Gary and Pastor Woerth discuss the second Sunday of Easter, Quasimodo Geniti. What does it mean?
A Moment in Creation: Holy Week and Creation
Gary and Pastor Woerth talk about Holy week, the Passion of Christ and Creation.
A Moment in Scripture: 1 Kings 9 – 18
Follow along as we go through the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. This week Gary and Pastor Matt Clark discuss 1 Kings 9 – 18 with our discussion around king Solomon and his many wives.
A Moment of Faith: Nobody Knows
Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary continue their discussion about spirituals during this Lenten season This week, a look at the spiritual “Nobody Knows the Trouble that I See.”
A Moment for the Family: Family-Friendly
In our discussion this week with Gary and Dr. Mary Manz Simon turn to the Covid definition of “Family-Friendly.” What are our actions and reactions teaching our children during this pandemic?
A Moment in Creation: On the Third Day
Pastor Woerth discusses what God designed on the third day and the topic of plant reproduction as presented in a YouTube video.
A Moment in Scripture: 2 Samuel 22 – 1 Kings 8
Follow along as we go through the Bible from Genesis through Revelation. This week Gary and Pastor Matt Clark discuss 2 Samuel 22 – 1 Kings 8. The topic today leads to the transition of Solomon to King.
A Moment of Faith: Steal Away
Pastor Doug Nicely and Gary continue to talk about spirituals during this Lenten season. This week, they look at the spiritual “Steal Away.”