Is the resent Associated Press story about a prehistoric land roving whale filled with facts or speculations? Hear Pastor Warren Woerth talks with Gary about this “whale of a story”.
A Moment in Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3 – Song of Songs 3
Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Ecclesiastes 3 through Song of Songs 3. Our focus is on Ecclesiastes 3. Join Gary and Pastor Clark for a great conversation on “Seasons of life”. There is a time for everything.
A Moment of Faith: Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Old hymns continue to be the theme on Moment of Faith as we hear hymn history from a vintage book that Doug found at a book sale. The book is over 90 years old. This week we talk and learn about the hymn, “Jesus, Lover of My Soul”.
A Moment for the Family: Expecting Normalcy
Research released in just the past few days shows that parents expect a shift toward normalcy soon. However, right now, they have high levels of anxiety about their children returning to in-person learning. Listen to Gary and Dr. Mary Manz Simon discuss ways to help our kids and us feel supported and safe. We must be alert to mental health needs.
A Moment in Creation: Coexisting with Dinosaurs
Pastor Warren Woerth talks with Gary about the biblical teaching around Dinosaurs and people co-existing in history.
A Moment in Scripture: Proverbs 22- Ecclesiastes 2
Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Proverbs 22- Ecclesiastes 2. Pastor Clark focuses on the final chapter of Proverbs. What Makes a godly woman?
A Moment of Faith: Beulah Land
Pastor Doug Nicely shares the backstory of the hymn Beulah Land.
A Moment for the Family: Prayers for Parents
Fears during the pandemic have made many of us wonder if we were doing a good enough job because there are so many things out of our control. Dr. Mary Manz Simon and Gary Duncan discuss this and focus on prayer for protecting our children.
A Moment in Scripture: Proverbs 10-21
Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Proverbs 10-21. Pastor Matt Clark refers to our reading this week as “Short Wise Sayings” and he shares some of his favorites.
A Moment of Faith: From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
Pastor Doug Nicely shares the story of the hymn “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains”.