The Coffee Hour – The Ramirez Family, Serving the Lord in Latin America

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Caitlin Worden de Ramírez and her husband Jeancarlos Ramirez.

The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord in South and Southeast Asia

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Roger and Amy James, serving the Lord in the Philippines.

The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord in Latin America and the Caribbean

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Ted Krey, regional director for the Latin America and the Caribbean region of the LCMS.

The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: Mercy Medical Teams

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Jenny Gray, RN, BSN, MMT Volunteer, and Stephanie Schulte, RN, BSN, West Africa Regional Coordinator for Mercy Medical Work for LCMS OIM.

The Coffee Hour – Serving Lutherans in the Caribbean

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jonathan Fisk, Host of Sharper Iron on KFUO Radio and Senior Pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Rockford, Illinois.

The Coffee Hour – Tortured Silence

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, Managing Editor of The Lutheran Witness, and Anton Lutz, LCMS Missionary to Papua New Guinea.

The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: LCMS Disaster Response

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with David Ricks, Chairman of the Disaster Care Ministry at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Arlington, Texas.

The Coffee Hour – CUC DCEs Visit the IC

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Concordia University Chicago Senior DCE students Will LeBeau, Hannah Russell, and Nicolette Johnson.

The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: Lutheran Young Adult Corps

Today, Sarah talks with Julianna Shults, Program Manager of the LCMS Lutheran Young Adult Corps, and LYAC volunteers Madison, Courtney, and Hayden.

The Coffee Hour – Easter Season Around the World

Today, Andy talks with David Fiala, Erin Alter, and Anne Gonzalez with the LCMS Office of International Mission.