Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Jana Inglehart, communications specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.
The Coffee Hour – Volunteers Needed in Nebraska
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Remkea Ockander, Director of Youth & Family Ministry at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fremont, Nebraska.
The Coffee Hour – Mercy Team to Ghana
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Bonnie Hartman, RN, Volunteer with a Mercy Medical Team to Sierra Leone, and Anne Gonzalez, DCE, Manager of Short-term Mission Training & Engagement with LCMS OIM.
The Coffee Hour – Reaching Refugees in their Native Languages
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Kim Bueltmann, serving the Lord in Germany, and the Rev. Hugo Gevers, missionary with the LCMS’s partner church in Germany.
The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord in Togo
Today, Andy talks with Rev. Micah and Robin Wildauer, who serve the Lord as missionaries through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Togo.
The Coffee Hour – Easter in Combat
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Chaplain Craig Muehler, Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces.
The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: LCMS Youth Ministry & NYG
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Cindy Twillman, DCE, National Youth Gathering / LCMS Youth Ministry Volunteer, and Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director of Youth Ministry with LCMS Office of National Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Askins in Asia
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Roy and Eliza Askins with their children, who serve through the LCMS in Asia.
The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: LCMS Short Term Missions
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. James Butler and Leslie Colligan, Volunteers with LCMS Short Term Missions, and Anne Gonzalez, DCE— Manager of Short-term Mission Training & Engagement for the LCMS Office of International Mission.