End Goals — LCMS Youth Ministry: Exploring the Seven Practices – Opportunities to Serve and Lead

Mark and Julianna dive into the fourth of seven practices in “Opportunities to Serve and Lead.”

God’s Mission Here: S3 Ep4. LCMS Servant Events | Rev. Craig Bertram and Shelly Carlson

LCMS Youth Ministry has supported LCMS Servant Events for over 40 years, and in this episode, we hear more about their benefits to young people, those who serve alongside them, and those they serve in the name of Christ.   

The Coffee Hour — Serving the Lord in Puerto Rico

What’s life like serving as missionaries in Puerto Rico? The Rev. Adam and Christine Lehman share their story!

The Coffee Hour — Shadow a Missionary in Taiwan

What does it mean to shadow a missionary in a foreign country? Tabitha Dubke, Mindy Thews, and Ariana Gomez share the story!

The Coffee Hour — Serving in the Asia Region

What work is happening in the Asia region of the LCMS Office of International Mission? Rev. Dr. Charles Ferry and Sam Borgwardt share their stories!

The Coffee Hour — CTSFW Seminarians Serve in the Dominican Republic

What is a mission education team, and what is its purpose? Aaron Wade, Patrick Randolph, and Erin MacKenzie talk about it.

The Coffee Hour — Christmas in Puerto Rico with the Neuendorfs

Rev. James and Deaconess Christel Neuendorf talk about Christmas traditions in Puerto Rico.

The Coffee Hour — Lutheran Women’s Groups and Christmas in Ghana

Joyce Erber talks about serving with the Lutheran women’s group in Ghana, plus what Christmas is like in West Africa.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: On the Mission Field in Eurasia and Asia

The Rev. Dr. Cory J. Rajek and the Rev. Charles Ferry talk about their journeys to the mission field and how to discern the vocation of missionary.

LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — Heart of a Servant 2023

Hear how Servant Events benefit young people, those who serve alongside them, and those they serve in the name of Christ.