Gary Duncan and Dr. Mary Manz Simon talk about the pace of life and ways to stay up to date on the issues impacting the family. Do you have a fear of missing out? Join us and learn about child development and a new checklist for developmental milestones for young children.
A Moment in Creation: Discerning Truth, Even in the Funny Pages
Hear Pastor Warren Woerth talk with Gary Duncan about a recent comic strip that shared an anti-Christian and pro-evolution viewpoint. Listen and learn how to discern these types of viewpoints and ways to share God’s truth with others.
A Moment in Scripture: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai
Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah through the end of Haggai. Our focus this week will be on Habakkuk. How does it relate to what is going on in our world currently?
The Coffee Hour — Experience Scripture: Living Water from Lutheran Bible Translators
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Mike Rodewald and Rev. Rich Rudowske with Lutheran Bible Translators.
A Moment of Faith: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Rev. Doug Nicely Discusses with Gary Duncan the Lenten hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”. Pastor Nicely walks us through this hymn and helps us to focus on the lyrics.
A Moment in Creation: The Parker Probe
Pastor Warren Woerth discusses the Parker probe with Gary Duncan.
A Moment in Scripture: Micah 1 – Nahum 3
Gary and Pastor Matt Clark continue their two-year trip through the Bible. This week we read Micah 1 – Nahum 3.
A Moment of Faith: Oh, the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
Pastor Doug Nicely discusses with Gary Duncan the Golden Rule also known as the Royal Law. Pastor Nicely shares an example of this from Martin Luther. He also gives us a connection to the hymn “Oh, the Deep Deep Love of Jesus”.
A Moment for the Family: Scheduling and Sports
Dr. Mary Manz Simon discusses with Gary Duncan scheduling concerns as kids return to school sports. We should be aware of scheduling issues and at times we need to adjust each child’s commitment to do what is best for the family.
A Moment in Creation: Remembering Dr. David Menton
Pastor Warren Woerth discuses with Gary Duncan resources available at the Answers in Genesis web site from Dr. David Menton. Dr. Menton, who died this past December, was an award-winning professor at Washington University in St. Louis and he was a strong advocate for creation as taught biblically.