The Coffee Hour — At LCMSYG: Poet Tanner Olson

Andy and Sarah talk with Tanner Olson — Author, Poet, and Speaker

The Coffee Hour — At LCMSYG: International Students from Germany

Andy and Sarah talk with Lisa and Louis, International students from Germany at the LCMS Youth Gathering.

The Coffee Hour — At LCMSYG: Attending Every Gathering

Andy and Sarah talk with Paul Krentz, serving in the LCMS Texas District and as the LCMS Gathering Host for Special Guests.

The Coffee Hour — Live at LCMSYG: Museum of the Bible

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kloha, Chief Curatorial Officer of the Museum of the Bible.

The Coffee Hour — Live at LCMSYG: Kids Serving Internationally

Andy and Sarah talk with Gabby Rabe, Julianna Rabe, Mika Nelson, and Ambrose Sharp.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Conversations with Creatives: Kelly (Schumacher) Uffenbeck

Kelly (Schumacher) Uffenbeck talks honestly about life, craft, business, faith, and what it really takes to be a professional artist in the world today.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Laypeople as Encouragers for Church Work Vocations

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Bruce Schultz — Board of Regents for Concordia University Chicago.

The Coffee Hour — 150th Anniversary of the Synodical Conference

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. John Brenner and Rev. Dr. Cameron MacKenzie

The Coffee Hour — Spiritual Care in the Wake of Disaster

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Karl Gibbs, Pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Carrollton, MO, and Disaster Response Chaplain for the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) of Missouri.

The Coffee Hour — Take Heart! Respite for Pastors and Commissioned Workers

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Beverly Yahnke, Executive Director for Christian Counsel for DOXOLOGY.