Andy and Sarah talk with Kara Warme, American Heritage Girls Troop Coordinator for Troop IA2016 at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Ames, Iowa.
The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Resilience and Hope – Live from the LWML Convention
Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.
The Coffee Hour – 491st Commemoration of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession: Live from LWML National Convention
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Daniel Harmelink, Executive Director of Concordia Historical Institute.
The Coffee Hour – Selah Textiles, Live from LWML National Convention
Andy and Sarah talk with Cathy Stanish and Elise Zeigler from Selah Textiles in St. Louis, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour – On the Mission Field in the Eurasia Region
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. James Krikava, regional director for the Eurasia region with LCMS OIM.
The Coffee Hour – How Directors of Christian Education Serve the Church Today
Andy and Sarah talk with NADCE Board Members Thad Warren, Shelli Haynes, and Emily Phoenix.
The Coffee Hour – History of the Director of Christian Education (DCE) Role
Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Bill Karpenko — Director of Christian Education, Emeritus.
The Coffee Hour – Reversing Diabetes with Virta
Andy and Sarah talk with Sara Correnti, MS, RD, LD, Dr. Jeff Stanley, and Bonnie Parker.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Erin’s Recipe Card: Iron Ladle Challenge — VBS Snacks
The Lutheran Ladies forego a common ingredient in favor of a common theme: Vacation Bible School snacks that double as craft activities.