LifeMoments – Second Sunday of Christmas (Ephesians 1:5/Luke 2:48)

Second Sunday of Christmas (Ephesians 1:5/Luke 2:48)

LifeMoments – St. John, Apostle and Evangelist (1 John 1:9-2:2/Revelation 1:5)

If we confess our sins, even sins against the sanctity of life, Jesus faithfully forgives and cleanses.

LifeMoments – Third Sunday in Advent (John 1:27/Isaiah 61:1/1 Thessalonians 5:23-24)

Even the burdens of surprise pregnancy and terminal diagnosis give way to greater blessings.

LifeMoments – Fourth Sunday in Advent (Luke 1:28-38)

Who needs “my body, my choice” when we can declare “let it be to my according to Your Word”!

The Coffee Hour – Planning March for Life Events

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Tiffany Manor, Director of LCMS Life Ministry.

LifeMoments – Second Sunday in Advent (Isaiah 40:1-2, 11/1 Peter 3:9)

Whatever relief abortion proposes for surprise pregnancy cannot compare with the Savior who will “gently lead those that are with young”

LifeMoments – First Sunday in Advent (Psalm 80:7)

Restore our communities to accompany instead of abandoning.

LifeMoments – Last Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 25:40)

Jesus has consecrated your life in His incarnation and crucifixion, and in the same way He has sanctified every human life.

LifeMoments – Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 25:18-30)

What joy awaits us when we receive both our lives and everyone else’s as a gift!

LifeMoments – Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost (1 Thessalonians 4:13/Matthew 25:6)

Whenever anyone’s oil runs out, there Jesus our Lord arrives and intervenes.