LifeMoments – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 6:34, 41)

The Gospel extends abundant life from fertilization to forever.

LifeMoments – Seventh Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 6:18/Amos 7:14-15/Ephesians 1:11-13)

We have been predestined to proclaim and celebrate it the sanctity of life.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep8. Centered in the Gospel: How Our Deepest Theology Leads Us in the Life Arena | Dr. Jeff Gibbs

Dr. Jeff Gibbs joins Steph in this episode to answer the foundational question, “Why are we “pro-life?”…and the answer probably won’t be one you’ve heard before.

LifeMoments – Sixth Sunday after Pentecost (Ezekiel 2:5/Mark 6:3/2 Corinthians 12:9)

The Lord perfects His power even in surprise pregnancy or terminal diagnosis.

LifeMoments – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 5:36-42/Psalm 30:11-12)

Our Savior turns even the mourning of surprise pregnancy and terminal diagnosis into dancing.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep7. Friends in Real Life: An Adoption Journey | Dr. Tim & Rebekah Janke

The first in an ongoing series called Friends in Real Life, this episode includes a story of a family on their journey through the process of adoption.

LifeMoments – Third Sunday after Pentecost (Mark 4:26, 31)

The Lord likes how tiny and inactive things leave Him ample room to work.

Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep6. Social Media and Life Issues | Sarah Gulseth

KFUO Radio’s Sarah Gulseth joins Steph Neugebauer to help answer the question: “How do we have a conversation about life issues without losing friends [on social media]?”

LifeMoments – Second Sunday after Pentecost (2 Corinthians 4:16-5:2)

The Gospel holds life precious all the way through the bitter end.