JOY — Peace at the Cross

Our focus today: the peace that our great Savior and divine Redeemer can bring into our lives.

JOY — New Music for Lent

Some great music for reflection has been written more recently, and we’ll have some fine examples this week.  

JOY — Inner Strength

God’s grace is truly amazing! We’ll share some music born of inner joy and strength.

JOY — King of Love

From Bach’s St. John Passion to John Rutter’s Requiem, we present music that helps us focus on the ultimate gift: salvation from the King of Love.  

JOY — Messiah, Lamb of God

The season of Lent is upon us: a time of penitence and prayer, of meditation and remembrance.

JOY — Epiphany

Hear marvelous music about the Magi, plus a rare old recording featuring members of the military singing about Epiphany.

JOY — New Year

Hear music appropriate for turning the calendar, including settings of Psalm 90, some rarely-heard New Year carols, and Christmas carols for the Christmas season.

JOY — Joy to the World!

Hear an hour of the finest carols, the most meaningful, most enduring Christmas music you’ll never hear at the mall!

JOY — The Song of Mary

Hear a major portion of John Rutter’s “Magnificat,” one of the most exuberant settings of that song from the gospel of Luke.

JOY — Messiah

Hear a major portion of “Messiah,” and also Advent carols sung by the National Lutheran Choir, the Bach Society of Saint Louis, and others.