Rev. Dr. Jason Soenksen, professor of theology at Concordia University, Mequon, WI joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study and pray Psalm 143.
Sharper Iron — Majoring in Minors: In Wrath Remember Mercy
Rev. Dr. Reed Lessing, professor of theology and ministry at Concordia University in St. Paul, MN, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Habakkuk 3:1-15.
Sharper Iron — Mercy for Mourners: Who Is the Man Under the Rod of God’s Wrath?
Rev. Sean Daenzer, director of worship for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and chaplain for the International Center, joins host Rev. Timothy Appel to study Lamentations 3:1-18.
Concord Matters – The Catechized Life: Earthly Life’s Ongoing Sanctification and Blessed End
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Mark Bestul
Concord Matters – The Catechized Life: Everything That God Himself Possesses
With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Mark Bestul
Thy Strong Word – Nehemiah 9: Confession to a merciful God is good for the soul
Rev. Dr. Brian Kachelemeier, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Las Alamos, NM joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Nehemiah 9.
Thy Strong Word – Nehemiah 1: The Nehemiah driven life: Prayer
Rev. Ben Meyer of Hope Lutheran Church in Sunbury, OH, joins host Rev. Brady Finnern to study Nehemiah 1.
Wrestling With the Basics – Conjunction Junction
With hosts Rev. Matt “Youngblood” Clark and Rev. “Jolly” John Lukomski.