The Rev. David Bass joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 6:1-21.
Thy Strong Word — John 5:19-47: The Son and the Father: Divine Authority
The Rev. Bryan Stecker joins guest host Rev. David Boisclair to study John 5:19-47.
Thy Strong Word — John 5:1-18: Healing on the Sabbath: The Bethesda Pool
The Rev. Ryan Kleimola joins guest host Rev. Doug Griebenaw to study John 5:1-18.
Thy Strong Word — John 4:27-54: The Fields Are Ripe For Harvest!
The Rev. Dr. Curtis Deterding joins guest host Rev. David Boisclair to study John 4:27-54.
Thy Strong Word — John 4:1-26: The Samaritan Encounter: Living Water
The Rev. John Lukomski joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 4:1-26.
Thy Strong Word — John 3:22-36: He Must Increase: John the Baptist’s Farewell
The Rev. Weston Wildauer joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 3:22-36.
Thy Strong Word — John 3:1-21: Born Again: Nicodemus in the Night
The Rev. Dr. Rich Rudowske joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 3:1-21.
Thy Strong Word — John 2:1-25: Jesus’ Love for His Mother and Zeal for His Father
The Rev. Mitchell Gowen joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 2:1-25.
Thy Strong Word — John 1:35-51: Can Anything Good Come from Nazareth?
The Rev. Roger Mullet joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 1:35-51.
Thy Strong Word — John 1:1-34: Jesus is the Word, the Light, and the Lamb
The Rev. Sam Powell joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study John 1:1-34.