The Coffee Hour – Revitalization in Congregations

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Mark A Wood, Director of Witness & Outreach and Revitalization for the LCMS Office of National Mission.

The Coffee Hour – Serving with the Love of Jesus

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Tim Ellis, Director of Connections & iServe with The Lutheran Church of Webster Gardens.

Faith & Family – Lutheran High School Offers Comfort to Community

With guest  Marge Thiesse, Director of Development, Martin Luther High School, Northrop, Minnesota

Faith’n’Family – Laborers for Christ: Stories from the Field

Special guests shares stories of their experiences serving churches and communities in this unique way.

Faith’n’Family – Serving Your Neighbor Where You Are Given

With guests Rev. Hans Fiene, Katie Fiene, Blake Tilley, and Mike and Karen Widhalm.