The Coffee Hour — Mercy Stories: Soldiers of the Cross

How has Soldiers of the Cross supported LCMS church workers? Deaconess Maryann Hayter joins Andy and guest co-host Rev. Kevin Robson to kick off our new series on Mercy Stories!

The Coffee Hour — Celebrating 175 Years at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Des Peres

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and School in Des Peres, MO, is celebrating 175 years with exciting expansion. Rev. Dr. Glen Thomas, Sharon Whitlock, and Mark Canon join us!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: The Joy of Teaching Visual Arts

How does a visual arts teacher serve in a Lutheran high school? Anna Bloomfield shares her story!

The Coffee Hour — KFUO Radio in Daily Vocations (Rebroadcast)

Steven Wolters, KFUO Radio listener and donor, talks about how listening to KFUO Radio has made a difference for his family.

The Coffee Hour — Confessing the Athanasian Creed (Rebroadcast)

Sarah talks with Rev. Sean Daenzer, director of worship for the LCMS and International Center Chaplain.

The Coffee Hour — Support for New Pastors and Families

How do new pastors and their families find mutual encouragement and support? PALS Facilitators Rev. Steve Wagner and Rev. David and Kassie Weaver join us!

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Joy in Teaching at a Lutheran High School

What is the joy in teaching at a Lutheran High School? Rev. Joe Cox share his story!

The Coffee Hour — Cyril of Alexandria

Today, June 27, the Christian church commemorates Cyril of Alexandria. Who was this significant historical figure? Dr. Geoffrey Boyle joins us!

The Coffee Hour — Celebrating National DCE Day

We’re celebrating DCEs in preparation for National DCE Day on June 26! Melissa Luepke — Director of Faith Formation at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel, IN, Becca Klemm — Children’s Ministry Coordinator at Cornerstone Lutheran Church in Carmel, IN, and Nick Moss — DCE at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Lakeland, FL join us!

The Coffee Hour — Preparing to Serve in the Dominican Republic

How do new missionaries prepare to serve on the mission field? Stan and Dana Stigdon share their story!