Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Kerry Pozaric, business manager for Christian Friends of New Americans (CFNA).
The Coffee Hour – Easter in Combat
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Chaplain Craig Muehler, Director of LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces.
The Coffee Hour – Even When Steeples Are Falling
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Christine Behnke, Director of Parish Education for Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Coffee Hour – Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Merritt Demski, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Waterloo, Illinois, and Rev. Peter Ill, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Millstadt, Illinois.
The Coffee Hour – Bethesda Lutheran Communities Turns 115
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Kimberly Trombley, Vice President for Religious Life with Bethesda Lutheran Communities.
The Coffee Hour – Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Phillip Magness, Director of Sanctuary Worship at Concordia Lutheran Church in Kirkwood, Missouri.
The Coffee Hour – National Volunteer Month: LCMS Youth Ministry & NYG
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Cindy Twillman, DCE, National Youth Gathering / LCMS Youth Ministry Volunteer, and Rev. Mark Kiessling, Director of Youth Ministry with LCMS Office of National Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Confusion, Half-Truths, and Being Clearly Christian
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Trevor Sutton— Pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church in Lansing, Michigan, and Joe Willmann— Senior Instructional Designer with Concordia Publishing House.
The Coffee Hour – Askins in Asia
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Roy and Eliza Askins with their children, who serve through the LCMS in Asia.
The Coffee Hour – Easter Vigil: From Darkness into Light
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Jeff Hemmer, pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois, our KFUO Radio Church of the Week.