Today, Andy talks with Kent Kunkel, Disaster Response Coordinator for the LCMS Missouri District.
The Coffee Hour – Carillon Concert Series
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Karel Keldermans— Carillonneur from Springfield, Illinois, and Rev. Dr. Kent Burreson— Dean of Chapel at Concordia Seminary St. Louis.
The Coffee Hour – Liturgy Gloss and Other Deaf Ministry Resources (Rebroadcast)
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Sias with Lutheran Friends of the Deaf.
The Coffee Hour – Communication on the Mission Field (Rebroadcast)
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Jana Inglehart, communications specialist in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.
The Coffee Hour – Feast of Ascension
Today, Andy talks with Rev. William Weedon, LCMS Director of Worship.
The Coffee Hour – Operation KidSafe
Today, Andy talks with Mark Bott— Founder of Operation Kidsafe International.
The Coffee Hour – Celebrating Foster Care Month
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Bev Schaefer and Debbie Wolf with Lutheran Family and Children’s Services of Missouri, and foster parent Suzanne Pennycook.
The Coffee Hour – Swaddling Clothes
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Katie Fiene, Swaddling Clothes Director at River of Life Lutheran Church in Channahon, IL, and Barb Meade, Swaddling Clothes Director at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Elizabeth, CO.