Sharper Iron: Parables Keep the Stubborn Confused

Rev. Adam Filipek looks at Matthew 13:24-43.

Sharper Iron: Christianity is a Hostage Situation

Rev. Adam Koontz looks at Matthew 12:22-37.

Sharper Iron: Jesus is Greater than the Sabbath

Rev. Timothy Appel looks at Matthew 12:1-21.

Sharper Iron: The Easy Yolk Ain’t About Eggs

Rev. Samuel Wirgau looks at Matthew 11:20-30.

Sharper Iron: There’s No Pleasing the World

Rev. Duncan McLellan looks at Matthew 11:1-19.

Sharper Iron: Losing Eternal Life Over a Glass of Water

Rev. Matthew Wietfeldt looks at Matthew 10:24-42.

Sharper Iron: Justifying Yourself with Mountain Dew

Rev. Chris Hull looks at Matthew 9:1-17.

Sharper Iron: Only Satan Would Keep Christ Off the Cross

Rev. Gaven Mize looks at Matthew 8:18-34.

Sharper Iron: Gnashing Your Teeth Forever Is Not Cool

Rev. Bert Mueller looks at Matthew 8:1-17.

Sharper Iron: Beware the Fruits of False Prophets

Rev. David Kind looks at Matthew 7:13-29.