The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve: Camp Ministry

How can camp ministry form future church workers?

The Coffee Hour — Yes, You Can Work at Summer Camp!

What’s it like to work at camp? Keith Peters and Derrick “Rocky” Minnick from Camp Lutherhaven talk about it.

The Coffee Hour — Life-Changing Summers at Camp

Signe White and Chase “Telli” Crawford talk about how camp is a life-changing experience for youth and young adults.

The Coffee Hour — Experience Summer Camp!

Andy and Sarah talk with camp directors Craig S. Oldenburg and Bill Indelli.

The Coffee Hour — Outdoor Adventures at Lutheran Summer Camp

Andy and Sarah talk with Signe White, executive director of Camp Perkins in Stanley, Idaho.

The Coffee Hour — Serving and Learning as Summer Camp Staff

Andy and Sarah talk with Kristine “Sparrow” Regalado — NLOMA summer staffer, and Bruce Wall — Executive Director at Camp Luther in Nebraska.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: Camp Arcadia, Michigan

It’s an Adventure in Lutheranism for the whole family, as Rachel takes the Ladies on an epic vicarious vacation to Camp Arcadia on the coast of Lake Michigan.

The Coffee Hour — Summer Camp: Camp Wartburg

Andy and Sarah talk with Bob Polansky — Executive Director of Camp Wartburg in Waterloo, IL.

The Coffee Hour — Summer Camp: Camp Concordia and Camp Lutherhaven

Andy and Sarah talk with Craig S. Oldenburg — Executive Director of Camp Concordia in Gowen, MI, and Keith Peters — Program Director at Camp Lutherhaven in Albion, IN.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Adventures in Lutheranism: NLOMA Summer Camp

Let’s face it: some Adventures in Lutheranism are just a little more adventurous than others — and this episode is proof positive.