Alvina Federwitz and her late husband, the Rev. Dale Federwitz served as missionaries for over 40 years with Lutheran Bible Translators.
His Time – Missionaries in South Asia, 1517 The Legacy Project, The New Heaven and the New Earth
(1) Rev. Roger and Amy James talk about serving in South Asia, (2) Dr. Scott Keith talks about 1517 The Legacy Project, and (3) Rev. Brian McQuiggin looks at Revelation 21:1-8 and gives today’s sermonette.
Faith’n’Family – Missionary Family Live: The Meissner Family
The Rev. Duane and Elizabeth Meissner share their story of preparing to serve the Lord in Belize.
Faith’n’Family – Financially Fit and Missionary Opportunities
With guests Mark Borchert, Eustolio Gomez, and Rev. Daniel McMiller.
Faith’n’Family – Missionary Story and Opportunities
With guests Donna Meyer and Rev. Dan McMiller.
Faith’n’Family – American Heritage Girls, Hobby Lobby, Missionary Life
With guests Patti Garibay, Jody Token, Ed Szeto, and Rev. Dr. Mike Rodewald.
Faith’n’Family – Idolatry in Different Cultures
Idolatry is idolatry, but may look different in different cultures. With guest Mike Wade, missionary.
Faith’n’Family – Missionary Families in Papua New Guinea
Missionary Families with guest Rev. Jeffrey and Lora Horn, missionaries from Papua New Guinea.