God’s Mission Here: S5Ep1. What is LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry? | Rev. Dr. Brian Heller

Rev. Dr. Brian Heller and Deac. Dr. Tiffany Manor discuss the ins and outs of LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry.

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep6. Mental Health First Aid | Kelly Menke

Kelly Menke joins Tiffany and Steph to talk about being trained in Mental Health First Aid and why it’s also an important toolkit to have on hand!

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep5. Can Unforgiveness Affect Mental Health? | Rev. Dr. Mark Rockenbach

Join Steph and Dr. Mark Rockenbach for a discussion about how forgiveness affects mental health and how withholding forgiveness affects not just the soul, but the body and mind.

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep4. Mental Health & Our Youth | Julianna Shults

Steph is joined by guest Julianna Shults to give a “state of the union” on the mental health of our young people.

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep.3 Building Resilient Minds | Dr. Belinda Karge & Dr. Kara Bratton

Dr. Karge and Dr. Bratton join Steph to talk about building mental resiliency in ourselves and in our young people.

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep2. 10 Top Tips to Improve Mental Health | Sarah Gulseth

Join Steph and Sarah Gulseth as they talk about some very practical ways we can care for our own mental health.

God’s Mission Here: S4Ep1. The Church Cares about Mental Health

Why should Christians care about their own mental health, as well as the mental health of those around them? Join Tiffany and Steph as they introduce this season on mental health!

God’s Mission Here: S3 Ep6. Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry

LCMS Youth Ministry discusses the Seven Practices of Healthy Youth Ministry we have developed over the past five years.

God’s Mission Here: S3 Ep5. LCMS U and Campus Ministry | DCE Ron DuPree

LCMS Campus Ministries, often called LCMS U chapters, provide a place for young adults to continue to be connected to congregations and other Lutheran students during a challenging transition.

God’s Mission Here: S3 Ep4. LCMS Servant Events | Rev. Craig Bertram and Shelly Carlson

LCMS Youth Ministry has supported LCMS Servant Events for over 40 years, and in this episode, we hear more about their benefits to young people, those who serve alongside them, and those they serve in the name of Christ.