His Time – Scripture Studies: Psalm 4, Proverbs 5, Reading from Martin Chemnitz

Rev. Jonathan Fisk meditates on today’s readings from Psalm 4, Proverbs 5, reading from Martin Chemnitz’s “An Enhiridion”

His Time – Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat Ministry, Witness Wednesday, “The Ministry of Apostles”

(1) Dave Anderson from Shepherd’s Canyon Retreat Ministry, (2) Rev. Mark Wood joins us for Witness Wednesday, (3) Rev. Dustin Beck looks at 1 Corinthians 4:1-21, and (4) Rev. Robert Kobler gives today’s sermonette.

The Bible Study – 1 Corinthians 4 “The Nature of True Apostleship”

1 Corinthians 4 “The Ministry of the Apostles” with guest Rev. Michael Walther of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.