There’s a star in the East, and Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar — together with their newfound friend and hanger-on Trish (who has just completed her “spiritual road trip certification”) — are on an epic journey to worship the Christ child in the manger.
God’s Mission Here: S7Ep4. Barriers and Benefits to Congregational Stewardship with Pastor Jonathan Conner
Faithful stewardship makes for a joyful congregation!
God’s Mission Here: S7Ep3. Stewardship with Pastor Anonymous
Every problem in the Church must find its solution in the Word of God.
God’s Mission Here: S7Ep2. The Stewardship Crisis in the Garden with Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador
Everything we have comes from God, and it comes with the responsibility to steward it for His purposes.
God’s Mission Here: S7Ep1. What Now? | Rev. Heath Curtis
There is only one stewardship plan for the faithful congregation: teach the Word, ask the people to live that out, and plan accordingly.
End Goals — LCMS Youth Ministry: Exploring the Seven Practices – Engaged Parents
How do we engage parents in youth ministry?
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Wild Card: A Glimpse into History with Mrs. Kretzschmar
This episode is a glimpse into KFUO Radio’s rich history with an interview with Mrs. Kretzschmar, wife of KFUO founder Dr. Richard Kretzschmar.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Our Favorites, Revisited: Prayer with Dr. Kleinig
In this warm and pastoral Kitchen Table Talk conversation, Dr. John Kleinig answers vital questions on prayer from a biblical Lutheran perspective.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Our Favorites, Revisited: Christmas Carol Trivia
How well do you know your favorite holiday songs? We’re revisiting an episode of Rachel’s Trivia Challenge—all about Christmas carols!
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Christmas Poetry Slam, Better Than Ever
It’s an all-new Christmas poetry slam. Merry Christmas!