Mark and Julianna are joined by Ryan Curnutt to discuss the 2017 review with LCMS congregations, their retention, and their relationships with Millennials
The Coffee Hour – Relationships Matter: Research on the Millennial Generation
Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE, and Rev. Mark Kiessling from LCMS Youth Ministry.
Law and Gospel — Rumination Thursday
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel with guest Wes Reimnitz.
The Coffee Hour – Millennials, Church, and Binders Too Thick for TSA
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE (Lutheran YA Corps), Rev. Mark Kiessling (Youth Ministry), and Ryan Curnutt (Research Analyst) from the LCMS Office of National Mission and Research Services.
Faith’n’Family – Responding in Love to Prodigal Family Members
With guests Paula Isakson and Rev. Dr. Anthony Cook.
Faith’n’Family – Youth Ministry Symposium
Youth Ministry Symposium 2014: Faith, Values and Millennials — with guest speakers Hilary Davidson, Dr. Patricia Herzog, and DCE Tom Couser.