His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Mike Redman talks about the Traveling Weather Show, (2) Adriane Dorr talks about The Lutheran Witness, (3) Jacob Fiene and Jennifer Prophete talk about Mission Operations, and (4) today’s biblical text covers Romans 6:1-23 “Dead to Sin, Alive to God”.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Michael Redman talks about the Traveling Weather Show, (2) Kelly Maher talks about National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, (3) Rev. Warren Woeth from the Creation Club talks about the NASA’s Rover “Curiosity” and what it found on Mars this past week, (4) Rev. Steven Theiss studies the Biblical text Matthew 5:1-20 “Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount”, and (5) Rev. Frank Kinast of Zion Lutheran Church in Stillwater, OK, does today’s Matins Sermonette.