What do we do with the stigma and shame around mental health problems? Dr. Stephen Saunders talks about it!
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Bri’s Radio Theatre: A Visit from St. Martin
From all of us at The Lutheran Ladies Lounge: Merry Christmas!
The Coffee Hour — Luther’s First Christmas Hymn
Rev. Brian Hamer talks about Martin Luther’s first Christmas hymn, “We Praise You, Jesus, at Your Birth.”
Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 656/657
Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 656/657, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.
Cross Defense — Was Luther Racist and will the Israelite People be Restored to God at the End of Time?
Two Lutherans asked a couple questions about the Jews.
The Coffee Hour — Vocation In Our Daily Lives (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. James Gimbel, President of Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The Coffee Hour — Easter Hymnody: Death Is Swallowed Up By Death (Rebroadcast)
Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Sandra Rhein, Sacred Music Educator in Asia for the LCMS Office of International Mission.