His Time – Caring Ministries Inc., John the Baptist Prepares the Way

(1) Cyril Loum talks about Caring Ministries Inc and what they provide, and (2) Rev. John Rickert looks at Mark 1:1-13 and gives today’s sermonette.

Thy Strong Word – Mark Chapter 1 “John the Baptist Prepares the Way”

Mark Chapter 1 “John the Baptist Prepares the Way” with guest Rev. Bart Day, Exec. Dir. of National Missions, LCMS.

His Time – Creation Club, LIRS, Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary, Jesus Heals Many

(1) Linda Hartke talks about Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services, (2) Rev. Robert Sorensen talks about the Reformation Heritage Bible Commentary, (3) Rev. Warren Woerth talks about Creation Club, and Rev. James Woelmer looks at Mark 1:29-45 and gives today’s sermonette.

His Time – Lutheran Senior Services, the Importance of Breakfast, Jesus Announces the Good News

(1) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (2) Kristin Neusel talks about the Importance of Breakfast, and (3) Rev. Richard Futrell looks at Mark 1:14-28 and gives today’s sermonette.

His Time – Concordia Historical Institute, John the Baptist Prepares the Way

(1) Rev. Dr. Daniel Harmelink talks about the Concordia Historical Institute, and Rev. Keith Lingsch looks at Mark 1:1-13 and gives today’s sermonette.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1)Dr. Glen Thomas, Rev. Mark Barz, and Connie Barz talk about the Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support (PALS) initiative, (2) Rev. Warren Woerth and the Creation Club, and (3) Rev. Sam Beltz takes a look at Mark 1:29-45 “Jesus Heals Many”.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) David Saving talks about Children’s Christian Concern Society/ Lead A Child.org, (2) Jane Wilke talks about Lutheran Senior Services, (3) Rev. Rick Stuckwisch talks about St. Valentine, and (4) Rev. Charles Henrickson takes a look at Mark 1:14-28 “Jesus Begins His Ministry” and “Jesus calls the First Disciples”.

His Time Morning Show

Topics of Discussion: (1) Concert pianist Mark Laverty talks about Lenten Hymns, (2) Nina Fuller talks about Vitae Foundation’s 2nd Annual St. Louis Lutheran Pro-Life Benefit Dinner, and (3) Rev. Randy Asburry takes a look at today’s biblical text, Mark 1:1-13 “John the Baptist Prepares the Way”.