Cross Defense — Characteristics of The Loving Resistance Fighter (Rebroadcast)

Rev. Sam Schuldheisz teaches us more about the redeemed imagination.

Concord Matters — Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 16. Political Order

Rev. Adam DeGroot joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Political Order.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Rachel’s Trivia Challenge: Sunday School

As Lutherans young and old head back to Sunday school this fall, Rachel wants to know: How much do you really know about the history of Sunday school?  

Cross Defense — Is the New Testament Trustworthy? (Rebroadcast)

How does the historical method answer the question of whether or not the Nest Testament is trustworthy?

Concord Matters — Apology of the Augsburg Confession: Article 15. Human Traditions, Part 2

Rev. Mark Bestul joins Rev. Brady Finnern to continue our study of Human Traditions.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} One Question Interview: Suicide

Sarah, Erin, and Rachel welcome special guest Cassie Moore into the Lounge to talk about one of the thorniest and most uncomfortable topics of all: suicide.  

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep4. Prison Ministry | Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Nehrt

“The message of the Gospel is for all people, even those who are incarcerated and connected with the prison system.”

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep3. Service of Mercy: A Deaconess’s Perspective on Specialized Care | Deac. Raquel Rojas

“We share the love of Christ with listening ears, heart, and mind and receive what they (those in our care) give to us in return.”

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep2. Pastor-Chaplain Relationship | Rev. Daniel Grimmer

“Visitation is not just for pastors or deaconesses, but there are a lot of opportunities and activities for the congregation to get involved in too.”

God’s Mission Here: S5Ep1. What is LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry? | Rev. Dr. Brian Heller

Rev. Dr. Brian Heller and Deac. Dr. Tiffany Manor discuss the ins and outs of LCMS Specialized Spiritual Care Ministry.