Concord Matters for the Incarnation of Christ

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Dr. Karl Fabrizius

Cross Defense – How to Use Your Bible, Imaginative Antiphons, and Freedom from Impersonal Policies

With host Rev. Tyrel Bramwell and guests Rev. Dr. Adam Koontz and Rev. Sam Schuldheisz.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Erin’s Recipe Card: The Iron Ladle Cranberry Challenge!

The Lutheran Ladies take part in their first-ever Iron Ladle Challenge, as they each present a festive seasonal recipe showcasing an assigned ingredient — in this case: cranberries.

Concord Matters for the Advent of Christ

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Dr. D. Richard Stuckwisch, Jr.

Cross Defense – Jude, Fruitcake, and God’s Love For You Revealed

With host Rev. Tyrel Bramwell and guests Rev. Willie Grills and Sam Schuldheisz

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Hymn Sing with Sarah: Advent!

Sarah leads Erin, Bri, and Rachel in a discussion of Advent hymns, old and new.

Concord Matters for Concord (Rebroadcast)

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. David Wiist

Cross Defense – Make ‘em Use Dirty Words

With host Rev. Tyrel Bramwell and guests Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Sam Schuldheisz

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} The Lutheran Ladies’ Guide to Chrismons™: PART TWO

Bri looks forward to the future of Chrismons™, proposing four new Christological symbols

Concord Matters for Christian Counseling

With host Rev. Sean Smith and guest Rev. Dr. Rick Marrs.