Concord Matters — Luther’s Small Catechism. Table of Duties. Table of Vocations. Table of Responsibilities in Christ.

Rev. Dr. Mart Thompson joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the Tables of Duties from Luther’s Small Catechism.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Kitchen Table Talks: The Large Catechism

LCMS International Center chaplain Pastor Sean Daenzer returns to offer guidance on yet another timely and important theological hot topic: Luther’s Large Catechism. 

Cross Defense — Suffering to Overcome Evil

The Cross of Christ is the answer to this and every evil in the world.

Concord Matters — Luther’s Small Catechism. Daily Prayer: Morning, evening, and all times!

Rev. Mark Bestul joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study and pray the Daily Prayers from Luther’s Small Catechism.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Friends for Life Crossover: Celebrating Life!

In this special crossover episode, the Lutheran Ladies join Steph Neugebauer and Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor at the Friends for Life podcast, which is celebrating its two-year anniversary this week.  

Cross Defense — The Idol of Evangelism

We’re talking about Jeremiah 23, the German church in the days leading up to WWII, A Letter to The American Church, and using our mouths to speak God’s truth in service to our neighbors.  

Concord Matters — Luther’s Small Catechism. The How and Who of Holy Communion.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Richard joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the How’s and Who’s of the Sacrament of the Altar.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Story Time with Sarah: The Triduum

Sarah introduces Erin, Bri, and Rachel to the Triduum, the historic series of days and services leading up to Easter. 

Cross Defense — Authority vs. Power and Canada’s MAiD

What is that difference between power and authority?