Cross Defense — Procreation vs. The Manslayer

When a listener identifies the common death thread among the so-called social justice issues John 8:44 reveals how the anthropoktonos (manslayer) is behind it all.

Cross Defense — Jesus and Suicide: Pulling Kids from Public School

The Alliance Defending Freedom fights for Jesus to come to public school while state officials and doctors use the threat of suicide to manipulate parents and school boards to accept the transgender lie.

Cross Defense — When Pastors Shape our Political Views

It’s a conversation on the woke Left, the Johnson Amendment, the church’s spiral of silence, magisterial and ministerial reason, and a slew of other stuff.

Concord Matters — Augsburg Confession: Chief Articles of the Faith. Article 9: Baptism: The benefits of the cross given to you.

Rev. Paul Cain joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study the Ninth Article of the Augsburg Confession.

{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Write This: 200 Episodes, 31 Hymn Stanzas, 1 Tribute to Faithful Women

It’s our 200th episode — and to celebrate, our faithful Lutheran Ladies (and their faithful listener friends) are creating new stanzas for Herman Stuempfle’s hymn “For All the Faithful Women” (LSB 855).