You have to have a great imagination to be an archaeologist.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: September Snippets
The Rev. Roy S. Askins and the Rev. Sean Daenzer discuss the Snippets from the September issue of The Lutheran Witness. Enjoy their unscripted thoughts on the Synod convention and other general news topics.
The Coffee Hour — LW Searching Scripture “All Is Rubbish Compared to Christ” September 2023: Philippians 3:7-11
Rev. Anthony Oliphant talks about the “Searching Scripture” feature in the September 2023 issue of the Lutheran Witness.
The Coffee Hour — Heresies Ancient and Modern
Rev. Roy Askins talks through some heresies we may recognize from the culture around us.
The Coffee Hour – LW Searching Scripture “Count It All as Loss” August 2023: Philippians 3:1-7
Andy and guest co-host Jordan Harms talk with Anthony Oliphant, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Elmhurst, IL.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: June/July 2023 Snippets
Scientists have reached a creative solution to African elephants destroying farmlands in stampedes. Bees.
The Coffee Hour – LW Searching Scripture “Receive Him in the Lord” June/July 2023: Philippians 2:19–3:1
Andy and Sarah talk with Anthony Oliphant, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Elmhurst, IL.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: June/July Editor’s Letter
So what do we preach? We preach “Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles” (1 Cor. 1:23).
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Being Merciful to the Toxic
Hear David Petersen’s article on setting boundaries and being merciful to the toxic.
The Lutheran Witness Podcast: Digging Deeper into ‘Made and Marked by Christ’
Stacey Egger and Sarah Reinsel stop in to talk about the articles they wrote for the May issue of LW.