The Coffee Hour – Steadfast in God’s Word

Andy and Sarah talk with Kevin Armbrust, Interim Managing Editor for the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour – Easy Joy

Andy and Sarah talk with Sharla Fritz, author of Enough for Now: Unpacking God’s Sufficiency available from Concordia Publishing House.

The Coffee Hour – Celebrating 180 Years at Historic Trinity in Soulard

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Steve Albers, Rev. Joshua Hatcher, Andrea Roettger, and Bob Kurtz from History Trinity in Soulard, St. Louis.

The Coffee Hour – Joy:fully Lutheran in the August Lutheran Witness

Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Kevin Armbrust, Interim Managing Editor of the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour – Seven Reasons to be Joy:fully Lutheran

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Ryan Tinetti, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Arcadia, Michigan.

The Coffee Hour – Vocation: [_____]’s Wife

Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, former editor of the Lutheran Witness and now Navy Chaplain’s wife.

The Coffee Hour – To You. Through You. By the Spirit.

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Oschwald, Associate Professor of exegetical theology, Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.

The Coffee Hour – What about the Holy Spirit?

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Curtis Giese, Professor of Religion at Concordia University Texas.

The Coffee Hour – Christ Alone: April Lutheran Witness

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rachel Bomberger, managing editor of the Lutheran Witness.

The Coffee Hour – Singing in Community

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, professor of music at Concordia University Nebraska and director or music at Pacific Hills Lutheran Church in Omaha, Nebraska.