The Rev. Andrew Jones, pastor of First Lutheran Church of Concord, CA, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 3.
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 2: God Raises Up and Unlikely Hero
The Rev. Keith Haney, Assistant to the President for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship in the LCMS Iowa District West joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 2.
Thy Strong Word — Exodus 1: Over 400 Years and Still Foreigners
The Rev. John Lukomski, co-host of Wrestling with the Basics on KFUO Radio, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Exodus 1.
Thy Strong Word — New Book: Exodus
It’s the true story of God reaching down into history and, through an unlikely prophet, redeeming his chosen people from slavery.
Thy Strong Word — James 5: The Judge is at The Door (That’s a Good Thing!)
Rev. David Bass, pastor of Hosanna Lutheran Church in Kerrville, TX, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study James 5.
Thy Strong Word — James 4: A Friend of the World is No Friend of God (God is Jealous!)
Rev. Mark Loder, pastor of St. James Lutheran Church and School in Howard Lake, MN, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study James 4.
Thy Strong Word — James 3: Control Your Tongue (It Can Burn!)
Rev. Tim Heinecke, pastor of New Life Lutheran Church in Hugo, MN, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study James 3.
Thy Strong Word — James 2: Good Works are Required (No, Really!)
Rev. Gem Gabriel, pastor of the Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer in New London, CT, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study James 2.
Thy Strong Word — James 1: Be Doers of the Word (And Be Blessed!)
Rev. Kevin Parviz, pastor of Congregation Chai v’ Shalom in St. Louis, MO, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study James 1.
Thy Strong Word — Daniel 11:36-12:13: The Antichrist and End Times
Rev. Paul Cain, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sheridan, WY, joins the Rev. Dr. Phil Booe to study Daniel 11:36-12:13.