Thy Strong Word – Catechism Review: Baptism

Catechism Review of Baptism with guest Rev. Thomas Eckstein of Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, ND.

Thy Strong Word – Philippians 4 “Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer”

Philippians 4 “Exhortation, Encouragement, and Prayer” with guest Rev. Mark Femmel of Zion Lutheran Church in Maryland Heights, MO.

Thy Strong Word – Philippians 3 “Righteousness Through Faith in Christ”

Philippians 3 “Righteousness Through Faith in Christ” with guest Rev. Larry Troxel of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Bowen, IL.

Thy Strong Word – Philippians 2 “Christ’s Example of Humility”

Philippians 2 “Christ’s Example of Humility” with guest Rev. Scott Adle of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Collinsville, IL.

Thy Strong Word – Philippians 1 “The Advance of the Gospel”

Philippians 1 “The Advance of the Gospel” with guest Rev. David Andrus of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in St. Louis, MO.

Thy Strong Word – Catechesim Review: The Lord’s Prayer

Host Rev. Randy Asburry and guest Rev. John Shank of Trinity Lutheran Church in Edwardsville, Illinois.

Thy Strong Word – Ephesians 6 “Children and Parents”

Ephesians 6 “Children and Parents” with guests Rev. Nabil Nour of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hartford, SD and John Lukomski of St. Paul/Trinity Lutheran Churches in So. Illinois.

Thy Strong Word – Ephesians 5 “Walk in Love”

Ephesians 5 “Walk in Love” with guest Matt Clark of Ascension Lutheran Church in South St. Louis, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – Ephesians 4 “Unity in the Body of Christ”

Ephesians 4 “Unity in the Body of Christ” with guest Rev. Michael Meyer, LCMS Manager for Disaster Response.

Thy Strong Word – Ephesians 3 “The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed”

Ephesians 3 “The Mystery of the Gospel Revealed” with guest Rev. Curtis Deterding of Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, FL.