Thy Strong Word – 2 Kings 2: Elijah Taken to Heaven

2 Kings 2: Elijah Taken to Heaven with guest Rev. Tim Ostermeyer from Hope Lutheran Church in St. Ann, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – 2 Kings 1: Elijah Denounces Ahaziah

2 Kings 1: Elijah Denounces Ahaziah with guest Rev. Kevin Martin from Our Savior Lutheran Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Thy Strong Word – Psalms for Epiphany Season: 72, 104, 107

Psalms for Epiphany Season: 72, 104, 107 with guest Rev. Kevin Parviz from Congregation Chai v’Shalom in St. Louis, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 22: Ahab and the False Prophets

1 Kings 22: Ahab and the False Prophets with guest Rev. Ben Maton from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 21: Naboth’s Vineyard

1 Kings 21: Naboth’s Vineyard with guest Rev. Curtis Deterding from Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, Florida.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 20: Ahab’s War with Syria

1 Kings 20: Ahab’s War with Syria with guest Rev. Jeremy Loesch from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Grandview, Missouri.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 19: Elijah Flees Jezebel

1 Kings 19: Elijah Flees Jezebel with guest Rev. Dr. Chris Ahlman from Memorial Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 18: Elijah Confronts Ahab

1 Kings 18: Elijah Confronts Ahab with guest Rev. David Speers from St Paul Lutheran Church in Altamont, Illinois.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 17: Elijah Predicts a Drought

1 Kings 17: Elijah Predicts a Drought with guest host Rev. Warren Woerth, pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Arnold, Missouri, and guest Rev. Ingo Dutzmann from First Lutheran Church in Boston, Massachusetts.

Thy Strong Word – 1 Kings 16: Baasha Reigns in Israel

1 Kings 16: Baasha Reigns in Israel with guest Rev. Dan Wing from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Sweet Springs, Missouri.