Morning Prayer Sermonette: Acts 8:1-25

Rev. Matt Wurm gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison on Nehemiah 8:1, 2, 5, 6, and 8-12

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison gives today’s sermon based on Nehemiah 8:1, 2, 5, 6, and 8-12 on on the occasion of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 21:1-25

Rev. John Deitz gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Sean Daenzer on Luke 1:57-80

Rev. Sean Daenzer gives today’s sermon based on Luke 1:57-80.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 20:19-31

Rev. Thomas Stark gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Dr. James Baneck on Proverbs 9:1-10

Rev. Dr. James Baneck gives today’s sermon based on Proverbs 9:1-10.

Law and Gospel — Sunday’s Hymn of the Day: LSB 685

Pastor Baker discusses theological distinctions between Law & Gospel regarding Sunday’s Hymn of the Day, LSB 685, with guest Rev. Mark Smith.

Morning Prayer Sermonette: John 20:1-18

Rev. Thomas Vanderbilt gives today’s sermonette.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Kevin Robson on Acts 28:1-16

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on Acts 28:1-16.

Daily Chapel – Rev. Kevin Robson on Luke 16:19-31

Rev. Kevin Robson gives today’s sermon based on Luke 16:19-31.