Dr. Jeff Gibbs joins Steph in this episode to answer the foundational question, “Why are we “pro-life?”…and the answer probably won’t be one you’ve heard before.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Erin’s One Question Interview: What It Means to be Life-Affirming
Erin and the Ladies welcome Deaconess Tiffany Manor to the Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge for an engaging, wide-ranging conversation about life, vocation, community, advocacy, and the church.
The Coffee Hour – Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Mona Fuerstenau, Director of Strategic Ministry Partnerships with Bethesda Lutheran Communities, and Rev. Michael W. Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans for Life.
The Coffee Hour – Lutherans for Life: Fall Conference
Today, Andy talks with Rev. Dr. Sam Nafzger, Keynote Speaker at the Lutherans for Life National Conference and Former Director of LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations, and Rev. Michael Salemink, Executive Director of Lutherans for Life.
World Lutheran News Digest – Pro-Life on Campus
With guest Reagan Barklage, Western Regional Director with Students for Life in America.
World Lutheran News Digest – Roe v. Wade Movie Shares Truth
With guest Nick Loeb, co-producer of “Roe v. Wade: The Untold Story.”
World Lutheran News Digest – March for Life Reflections
With guest Peter Slayton, LCMS Social Media Manager
The Coffee Hour – March for Life with AAPLOG
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Dr. Donna Harrison, M.D., Executive Director of the American Association of Pro-life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG).