Dr. Reed Lessing discusses suffering, family and the life of Job in light of his upcoming Pre-Lenten Workshop at Concordia Seminary.
Law and Gospel – Women Preachers, Manage Money, Environment vs. Creation
(1) Insight on women preacher. (2) Lenten sermons on how to manage money. (3) Lenten sermons on the environment vs. creationism.
Law and Gospel – 5th sunday of Lent, Obey the Law, Three Parts of Law
(1) 5th Sunday in Lent: Romans 8:3. (2) We are weak to obey the Law. (3) How did God save us? (4) Three parts of the Law.
Law and Gospel -3rd Sunday of Lent, Steps to Peace with God, Trust in Jesus
(1) 3rd Sunday in Lent: Romans 5:1. (2) Steps to have peace with God. (3) Caller: Trust in Jesus.
Law and Gospel – 2nd Sunday of Lent, Faith & Works, Abraham
(1) 2nd Sunday in Lent: Romans 4:4. (2) Difference between faith and works. (3) Caller: Abraham was imputed with righteousness.
Faith’n’Family – Second Article: National Youth Gathering Theme and Family Resources for Lent
Second Article: National Youth Gathering Theme and Family Resources for Lent — with guest Pam Nummela, Rev. Mark Kiessling, and Morgan Vitosh.
Lenten Services of 2014
Services this year are from Peace Lutheran Church in South St. Louis, Missouri. March 5, 2014 http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Lent/Lent_Mar_05_2014.mp3Download Audio File March 12, 2014 This audio is unavailable due to technical difficulties. We apologize for the inconvenience. March 19, 2014 http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Lent/Lent_Mar_19_2014.mp3Download Audio…
Law and Gospel – Lent, Imposition of Ashes, Buddhists and Mormons, Meaning of Ashes
(1) Insights on Lent. (2) Caller: Imposition of ashes. (3) Caller: Buddhists and Mormons. (4) Meaning of to repent in dust and ashes.
Faith’n’Family – Second Article: Jesus’s Death and Our Own Grieving; Family Ideas for Lent at Home
Second Article: Jesus’s Death and Our Own Grieving; Family Ideas for Lent at Home — with guests Deaconess Ellie Corrow, Jan Brunette, and Amanda Markel.