The Coffee Hour — Leadership Episode 3: Struggles and Difficulties

Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy talks about the struggles and difficulties while leading. 

The Coffee Hour — Leadership Episode 2: Jethro, Moses, and Leadership Structure

Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy talks about how the story of Jethro and Moses shows us a Biblical perspective for leadership structure.

The Coffee Hour — Leadership Episode 1: Biblical Leadership Styles

Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy talks about Biblical Leadership styles and an overview of this series on Leadership.

The Coffee Hour — Pastoral Leadership: Shepherding and Caring for God’s People

Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Jamison Hardy, Bishop of the English District of the LCMS.

The Coffee Hour — Serving and Learning as Summer Camp Staff

Andy and Sarah talk with Kristine “Sparrow” Regalado — NLOMA summer staffer, and Bruce Wall — Executive Director at Camp Luther in Nebraska.

The Coffee Hour — Set Apart To Serve: Raising Up Leaders at Camp

Andy and Sarah talk with Danny Frastaci, Operations Director for Lakeview Ministries in Seymour, Indiana.

The Coffee Hour – Mental Health Monday: Initiative and Leadership

Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Heidi Goehmann, LCSW.

The Coffee Hour – American Heritage Girls Celebrates 24 Years!

Andy and Sarah talk with Patti Garibay, Founder and Executive Director of American Heritage Girls.

The Coffee Hour – #NYG2019: Youth Leading Youth

Andy and Sarah talk with Connor Works, Executive Team for Lutheran Youth Fellowship.

The Coffee Hour – Reaching and Encouraging Young Adults

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Julianna Shults, DCE— program manager for Lutheran Young Adult Corps, Rev. Mark Kiessling— Director of Youth Ministry, and Ryan Curnutt— Senior Research Analyst.