Bishop Peter Anibati Abia talks about the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Sudan/Sudan.
LCMS Youth Ministry End Goals — The Role of Apologetics
Faith Spelbring, DCE, gives insight and resources to equip young people to think critically about the intersection of faith and life and witnessing to others.
The Coffee Hour — Lutheran Heritage Work in Africa
Dr. Dinku Bato talks about the nature of his work with Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
The Coffee Hour — Lutheran Heritage Work in Asia
Dr. Ted NaThalang talks about the nature of his work with Lutheran Heritage Foundation.
The Coffee Hour — St. Martin of Tours Silver Medal Recipient
Chaplain Craig Muehler talks about the St. Martin of Tours Silver Medal and this year’s recipient.
The Coffee Hour — Being Lutheran in Wisconsin (Also: The Host District for LCMS National Convention)
Rev. Dr. Nathan Meador talks about what it means to be the Host District for the LCMS National Convention and being Lutheran in Wisconsin.
{The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge} Write This: 200 Episodes, 31 Hymn Stanzas, 1 Tribute to Faithful Women
It’s our 200th episode — and to celebrate, our faithful Lutheran Ladies (and their faithful listener friends) are creating new stanzas for Herman Stuempfle’s hymn “For All the Faithful Women” (LSB 855).
Friends For Life — LCMS Life Ministry: S1Ep57. Luther on Mental Illness | Dr. Stephen Saunders
Dr. Stephen Saunders to talks about the stigmatization of mental illness within the church and how Luther himself addressed matters of mental health.
The Coffee Hour — Set Apart to Serve + Bach Week: Serving As A Modern-Day Kantor
Kantor Matthew Machemer talks about his journey to being a Kantor and Bach’s influence on this role today.
The Coffee Hour — Bach Week: 300th Anniversary of the Chorale Cantata Cycle
Dr. Martin Dicke talks about Bach’s celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Lutheran Chorale in 1724 with the Chorale Cantata Cycle.