Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Professor Brian Mosemann, Assistant Professor of Theology at Concordia University Wisconsin
The Coffee Hour – Learn to Draw
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Kelly Schumacher, liturgical artist and founder of Agnus Dei Liturgical Arts.
The Coffee Hour – Kids, College, and Remaining Steadfast in Faith
Today, Sarah talks with Rev. David Fleming, pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
The Coffee Hour – Frugal Family Living
Today, Sarah talks with Kristen Whirrett, blogger at
The Coffee Hour – Caring for Missionary Children
Today, Andy and guest co-host Anne Gonzalez talk with David Fiala, DCE, Assistant Director of Missionary Recruitment for the LCMS Office of International Mission.
The Coffee Hour – Hands of Mercy in Uganda
Today, Andy and guest co-host Anne Gonzalez talk with Kimberly Pepmiller, who served on Mercy Medical Teams to Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, and Uganda.
The Coffee Hour – Revitalization in Congregations
Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Dr. Mark A Wood, Director of Witness & Outreach and Revitalization for the LCMS Office of National Mission.