Daily Chapel – Rev. Charles Henrickson on Leviticus 16:15–19

http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Chapel/Chapel_Oct_11_2018.mp3Download Audio File Rev. Charles Henrickson gives today’s sermon based on Leviticus 16:15–19. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist for the…

The Coffee Hour – O Bride of Christ, Rejoice

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Heather Smith, author of a chapter in “He Restores My Soul.”

The Coffee Hour – Celebrating Sammy: Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Ellen McGladdery, Down Syndrome awareness advocate and mother to Sammy.

News Break – Hurricane Michael Strikes

Wednesday, October 10, 2018 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. Craig Muehler on Ephesians 4:22–28

http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Chapel/Chapel_Oct_10_2018.mp3Download Audio File Rev. raig Muehler gives today’s sermon based on Ephesians 4:22–28. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist for the…

The Coffee Hour – A Christian Guide to Mental Illness

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Stephen M. Saunders, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of Psychology for Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

The Coffee Hour – Serving the Lord from Canada to Latin America

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Rev. Charles St-Onge, area facilitator in the Latin America and the Caribbean region.

News Break – Puerto Rico Considers Pro-Life Bill

Tuesday, October 9, 2018 – Headlines

Daily Chapel – Rev. Mark Kiessling on Genesis 28:10–17

http://archives.kfuo.org/mp3/Chapel/Chapel_Oct_09_2018.mp3Download Audio File Rev. Mark Kiessling gives today’s sermon based on Genesis 28:10–17. Tune in weekdays at 10:00 a.m. CT to hear daily chapel services from the LCMS International Center. Find service information including the lectionary, hymn, and homilist for the…

The Coffee Hour – Spare the Rod

Today, Andy and Sarah talk with Deaconess Kristin Wassilak, author of a chapter in “He Restores My Soul.”